
Publications, Working Papers & Work in Progress

More information, citations, etc can be found on my Google Scholar page and my SSRN Author page.

    Working Papers

  1. The Extreme Points of Fusions

    Andy Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack, Mark Whitmeyer

    Working Paper on ArXiv

  2. Learning, Memory, and Stochastic Choice

    Drew Fudenberg, Giacomo Lanzani, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  3. Countering Price Discrimination with Buyer Information.

    Philipp Strack, Kai Hao Yang

    Working Paper

  4. Optimal Security Design for Risk-Averse Investors

    Revise and Resubmit at the American Economic Review

    Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack, Mengxi Zhang

    Working Paper on SSRN

  5. Missinterpreting Yourself

    Paul Heidhues, Botond Köszegi, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  6. Taxing Externalities Without Hurting the Poor

    Mallesh Pai, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  7. Limited Self-knowledge and Survey Response Behavior

    Armin Falk, Thomas Neuber, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper

  8. Dynamic Preference "Reversals" and Time Inconsistency

    Revise and Resubmit at American Economics Journal: Microeconomics

    Dmitry Taubinsky, Philipp Strack

    NBER Working Paper

  9. Overconfidence and Prejudice

    Revise and Resubmit at the Review of Economic Studies

    Paul Heidhues, Botond Köszegi, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on arXiv

  10. The Wald Problem and the Equivalence of Sequential Sampling and Static Information Costs

    Stephen Morris, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN
  11. Never, Ever Getting Started: On Prospect Theory without Commitment

    Sebastian Ebert, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  12. Efficient Dynamic Allocation with Strategic Arrivals

    Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper

  13. Risk-Taking in Contests - The impact of fund-manager Compensation on Investor Welfare

    Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  14. Learning Through Imitation: an Experiment

    Marina Agranov, Gabriel Lopez-Moctezuma, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz

    Working Paper on SSRN

  15. Work in Progress

  16. A Flow Approach to Dynamic Mechanism Design

    Thomas Kruse, Philipp Strack

  17. A Direct Test for Regret Aversion in Dynamic Contexts

    Paul Viefers, Philipp Strack

  18. Learning with Informational Externalities

    Eduardo Faingold, Olivier Gossner, Philipp Strack

  19. Accepted, Forthcoming and Published Articles

  20. Privacy Preserving Signals

    Accepted at Econometrica

    Philipp Strack, Kai Hao Yang

    Working Paper on SSRN

  21. Monotone Additive Statistics

    Accepted at Econometrica

    Xiaosheng Mu, Luciano Pomatto, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz

    Working Paper on arXiv

  22. Selective Memory Equilibrium

    Forthcoming in the Journal of Political Economy

    Drew Fudenberg, Giacomo Lanzani, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  23. Learning in Repeated Interactions on Networks

    Econometrica, Januar 2024

    Wanying Huang, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz

    Working Paper

  24. Equity and Efficiency in Dynamic Matching: Extreme Waitlist Policies

    Accepted at Management Science

    Afshin Nikzad, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  25. Optimal Control of an Epidemic through Social Distancing

    Accepted at Operations Research

    Thomas Kruse, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  26. Optimal Insurance: Dual Utility, Random Losses and Adverse Selection

    American Economic Review, October 2023

    Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack, Mengxi Zhang

    Working Paper on SSRN

  27. The Cost of Information: The Case of Constant Marginal Costs

    American Economics Review, May 2023

    Luciano Pomatto, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz

    Published Paper - Working Paper

  28. Background Risk and Small-Stakes Risk Aversion

    Accepted in American Economic Review : Insights

    Xiaosheng Mu, Luciano Pomatto, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz

    Working Paper on arXiv

  29. Pathwise Concentration Bounds for Bayesian Beliefs

    Accepted at Theoretical Economics

    Drew Fudenberg, Giacomo Lanzani, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  30. Optimal Disclosure of Information to a Privately Informed Receiver

    Theoretical Economics, July 2023

    Ozan Candogan, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on arXiv

  31. Optimal Auctions: Non-Expected Utility and Constant Risk Aversion

    Review of Economic Studies, October 2022

    Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack, Mengxi Zhang

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  32. Matching in Dynamic Imbalanced Markets

    Review of Economic Studies, August 2022

    Itai Ashlagi, Afshin Nikzad, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on arXiv

  33. Progressive Participation

    Theoretical Economics, July 2022

    Dirk Bergemann, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Cowles Discussion Paper

  34. Identifying Procrastination from the Timing of Choices

    American Economic Review, August 2021

    Paul Heidhues, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  35. Extreme Points and Majorization: Economic Applications

    Econometrica, July 2021

    Andy Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN - Video Presentation

  36. Limits Points of Endogenous Misspecified Learning

    Econometrica, May 2021

    Drew Fudenberg, Giacomo Lanzani, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  37. A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations

    Journal of Political Economy, April 2021

    Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack, Mengxi Zhang

    Published Paper -Working Paper on SSRN

  38. From Blackwell Dominance in Large Samples to Renyi Divergences and Back Again

    Econometrica, Januar 2021

    Xiaosheng Mu, Luciano Pomatto, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz

    Working Paper on arXiv

  39. Testing the Drift-Diffusion Model

    Proceedings of National Academy of Science, December 2020

    Drew Fudenberg, Whitney Newey, Philipp Strack, Tomasz Strzalecki

    Working Paper on arXiv - Published Paper

  40. Rational Groupthink

    Quarterly Journal of Economics, July 2020

    Matan Harel, Elchanan Mossel, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN - Working Paper on arxiv

  41. Convergence in Misspecified Learning Models with Endogenous Actions

    Theoretical Economics, Januar 2021

    Paul Heidhues, Botond Köszegi, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  42. Bitcoin: An Axiomatic Approach and an Impossibility Theorem

    American Economic Review : Insights, September 2020

    Jacob Leshno, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  43. Turning Up the Heat: The Demoralizing Effect of Competition in Contests

    Journal of Political Economy, May 2020

    Dawei Fang, Thomas Noe, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN

  44. Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions

    Journal of the European Economic Association, December 2019

    Paul Viefers, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on SSRN - Post on the blog of the 5th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting - Blogpost on

  45. Stochastic Dominance under Independent Noise

    Journal of Political Economy, May 2020

    Luciano Pomatto, Philipp Strack, Omer Tamuz

    Published Paper - Working Paper on arXiv

  46. Speed, Accuracy, and the Optimal Timing of Choices

    American Economic Review, December 2018

    Drew Fudenberg, Philipp Strack, Tomasz Strzalecki

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  47. An Inverse Optimal Stopping Problem for Diffusions

    Mathematics of Operations Research, September 2018

    Thomas Kruse, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN - Working Paper on arxiv

  48. Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning

    Econometrica, August 2018

    Paul Heidhues, Botond Köszegi, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  49. Active Learning with a Misspecified Prior

    Theoretical Economics, September 2017

    Drew Fudenberg, Gleb Romanyuk, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN - Top 20 most read TE article in 2017/2018

  50. Expectation-Based Loss Aversion and Strategic Interaction

    Games and Economic Behavior, June 2017

    Simon Dato, Andreas Grunewald, Daniel Mueller, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  51. Revenue Maximizing Mechanisms with Strategic Customers and Unknown, Markovian Demand

    Management Science, June 2017

    Alex Gershkov, Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  52. Continuous Time Contests with Private Information

    Mathematics of Operations Research, August 2016

    Christian Seel, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  53. Strategic Experimentation with Private Payoffs

    Journal of Economic Theory, September 2015

    Paul Heidhues, Sven Rady, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  54. Dynamic Revenue Maximization: A Continuous Time Approach

    Journal of Economic Theory, September 2015

    Dirk Bergemann, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  55. Optimal Stopping With Private Information

    Journal of Economic Theory, September 2015

    Thomas Kruse, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  56. Randomization beats Second Price as a Prior-Independent Auction

    Economics and Computation, June 2015

    Hu Fu, Nicole Immorlica, Brendan Lucier, Philipp Strack

    Working Paper on arxiv

  57. Finite, integrable and bounded time embeddings for diffusions

    Bernoulli, May 2015

    Stefan Ankirchner, David Hobson, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on arxiv

  58. Until the Bitter End: On Prospect Theory in the Dynamic Context

    American Economic Review, April 2015

    Sebastian Ebert, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN - A discussion by Kevin Bryan - Winner of the 2013 SCOR/EGRIE Award

  59. Deadlines in Stochastic Contests

    Journal of Mathematical Economics, May 2014

    Christian Seel, Matthias Lang, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  60. Gambling in Contests

    Journal of Economic Theory, September 2013

    Christian Seel, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper on SSRN

  61. Skorokhod Embeddings in Bounded Time

    Stochastics And Dynamics, September 2011

    Stefan Ankirchner, Philipp Strack

    Published Paper - Working Paper

Curriculum Vitae

Click here to download a longer CV as a PDF file


Apr. 2022 - present
Yale University, New Haven, USA
Jul. 2019 - Apr. 2022
Yale University, New Haven, USA
Associate Professor
Jul. 2018 - Jun. 2019
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, USA
Associate Professor
Jul. 2014 - Jun. 2018
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, USA
Assistant Professor
Jul. 2013 - Jul. 2014
Microsoft Research New England, Boston, USA
Postdoctoral Researcher


2008 - 2013
Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE), Bonn, Germany
Ph.D. in Economics supervised by Professor Paul Heidhues
2004 - 2010
University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Diplom in Mathematics
2004 - 2008
University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Diplom in Economics

Associate Editor

Mathematics of Operations Rearch and AEJ:Micro


Econometrica,   American Economic Review,   Review of Economic Studies,   Quarterly Journal of Economics,   Journal of Political Economy,   Journal of Economic Theory,   Theoretical Economics,   International Economic Review,   Journal of the European Economic Association,   American Economic Journal: Microeconomics,   Economic Inquiry,   Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations,   Operations Research,   Journal of Mathematical Economics,   Games and Economic Behaviour,   Economics and Computation,   Mathematics of Operations Research


Sloan Fellowship in Economics
40 under 40 by Capital magazine
"Until the Bitter End: On Prospect Theory in the Dynamic Context" wins the SCOR/EGRIE Award
Scholarship of the German Federal Bank (Stipendiat der Dt. Bundesbank) 2012
Recipient of the first JEEA Excellence in Refereeing Award 2012
Scholarship of the Bonn Graduate School of Economics
PhD Scholarship of the Foundation of German Business (Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft)
Scholarship of the Nippon Carl Duisberg Foundation financing a stay at the Takushoku University
Scholarship of the Foundation of German Business (Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft)
FFF (Foerdern Fordern Forschen) scholarship for highly gifted scholars from the University of Bonn


Presentations by me or a coauthor

May 25 2018
A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations presented by Philipp Strack
May 24 2018
A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations presented by Philipp Strack
April 14 2018
Columbia Theory Conference
A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations presented by Philipp Strack
April 13 2018
A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations presented by Philipp Strack
April 10 2018
Stanford (Mechanism Design Reading Group)
A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations presented by Philipp Strack
April 6 2018
Columbia Berkeley OR Conference
A Worst Case Analysis for Bandits presented by Philipp Strack
Mar 1 2018
Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 12 2018
California Institute of Technology
Turning Up the Heat: The Demoralizing Effect of Competition in Contests presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 10 2018
California Institute of Technology
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Dec 14 2017
University of Gothenburg
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Dec 13 2017
Norwegian School of Economics Bergen
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Dec 10 2017
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Dec 4 2017
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Dec 2 2017
ASU Theory conference
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 25 2017
Collegio Alberto Turin
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 24 2017
Bocconi, Milan
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
28 Sep 2017
Berkeley Theory/Psych and Econ
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
17 Jul 2017
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
27 Jun 2017
Briq Bonn
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 26 2017
University of California San Diego
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 10 2017
Arizon State University
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Dec 1 2016
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Nov 29 2016
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Nov 21 2016
Columbia University
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Nov 7 2016
Duke University
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 29 2016
Risk-Taking in Contests - The impact of fund-manager Compensation on Investor Welfare presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 27 2016
Risk-Taking in Contests - The impact of fund-manager Compensation on Investor Welfare presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 26 2016
University College London
Risk-Taking in Contests - The impact of fund-manager Compensation on Investor Welfare presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 25 2016
University of Surrey
Risk-Taking in Contests - The impact of fund-manager Compensation on Investor Welfare presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 20 2016
Northwestern University
Risk-Taking in Contests - The impact of fund-manager Compensation on Investor Welfare presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 23 2016
Washington University St. Louis
Competition and Endogenous Risk-Taking in Financial Markets presented by Philipp Strack
Nov 17 2015
University of Chicago
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 26 2015
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 26 2015
Competition and Endogenous Risk-Taking in Financial Markets presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 16 2015
Simons Center Berkeley
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 1 2015
Penn State
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 17 2015
University of Pittsburgh
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 15 2015
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Jul 15 2015
University of Bonn
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Jun 9 2015
University of Jena
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 8 2015
Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions presented by Philipp Strack
Mar 27 2015
University of Michigan
Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions presented by Philipp Strack
Mar 4 2015
Santa Clara University
Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 2015
AEA Meeting Boston
Until the Bitter End: On Prospect Theory in the Dynamic Context presented by Sebastian Ebert
Jan 3 2015
AEA Meeting Boston
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Nov 18 2014
University of Montreal
On the Speed of Social Learning presented by Philipp Strack
Nov 9 2014
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco
Revenue Maximizing Mechanisms with Strategic Customers and Unknown Demand: Name-Your-Own-Price presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 7 2014
UC Davis
Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 30 2014
Berkeley Psych and Econ
Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 4 2014
Berkeley Risk Seminar
Competition and Endogenous Risk-Taking in Financial Markets presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 4 2014
Harvard/MIT Theory Seminar
Stochastic Choice and Optimal Sampling presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 4 2014
Stochastic Choice and Optimal Sampling presented by Tomasz Strzalecki
May 11 2014
SITE Meeting 2014, Stanford
Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning presented by Botond Koszegi
May 10 2014
SITE Meeting 2014, Stanford
Stochastic Choice and Optimal Sampling presented by Philipp Strack
May 10 2014
POMS Conference, Altlanta
Dynamic Allocation and Learning with Strategic Arrivals presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 14 2014
MIT Sloan Operations Management Seminar
Dynamic Allocation and Learning with Strategic Arrivals presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 12 2014
Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany
Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions presented by Paul Viefers
Jan 17 2014
University Laval, Montreal Canada
Too Proud to Stop: Regret in Dynamic Decisions presented by Paul Viefers
Dez 12 2013
University of Bonn
Risktaking and Financial Competition presented by Philipp Strack
Yale University
Risktaking and Financial Competition presented by Philipp Strack
Nov 11 2013
University of Montreal
Risktaking and Financial Competition presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 23 2013
Max Planck Institute, Bonn
Risktaking and Financial Competition presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 24 2013
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 23 2013
Duke University
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 17 2013
University of Toronto, Toronto
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 15 2013
University of Texas, Austin
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Aug 29 2013
Microsoft Research New England, Boston
Dynamic Revenue Maximization: A Continuous Time Approach presented by Philipp Strack
Aug 23 2013
MIT Applied Theory Summer Camp
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Aug 16 2013
Microsoft Research New England, Boston
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 25 2013
University of Warwick, Statistics Departement
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 9 2013
University of Bielefeld, Germany
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 11 2013
Northwestern University, Evanston
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 7 2013
University of California, Los Angeles
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 5 2013
Columbia University,Business School
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 4 2013
Columbia University, Economics Department
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 1 2013
University of California, Berkeley
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 30 2013
New York University
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 24 2013
California Institute of Technology
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 18 2013
Harvard University
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 16 2013
University College London
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Jan 15 2013
University of Warwick
Optimal Stopping with Private Information presented by Philipp Strack
Dez 3 2012
University of Chicago
Dynamic Revenue Maximization a Continuous Time Approach presented by Dirk Bergemann
Nov 9 2012
European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society 2012, Konstanz
Continuous Time Contests presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 29 2012
University of Cologne
Until the Bitter End: On Prospect Theory in the Dynamic Context presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 16 2012
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012, Phoenix
Dynamic Revenue Maximization a Continuous Time Approach presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 9 2012
Yale University
Dynamic Implementability for Optimal Stopping presented by Philipp Strack
Oct 4 2012
University of Maastricht
Dynamic Implementability for Optimal Stopping presented by Philipp Strack
Aug 2012
27th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association Malaga
Until the Bitter End: On Prospect Theory in the Dynamic Context presented by Philipp Strack
Jun 20 2012
Fourth Congress of the Game Theory Society 2012 Istanbul
Continuous Time Contests presented by Philipp Strack
May 23 2012
Maastricht University
Continuous Time Contests presented by Christian Seel
Apr 20 2012
Mannheim University
Strategic Experimentation with Private Payoffs presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 10 2012
Berlin Behavioral Economics Workshop
Until the Bitter End: On Prospect Theory in the Dynamic Context presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 2 2012
Finance Seminar, University of Bonn
Until the Bitter End: On Prospect Theory in the Dynamic Context presented by Sebastian Ebert
Jan 11 2012
University of Bonn
How to Sell an Option presented by Philipp Strack
Sep 9 2011
Mannheim University
Continuous Time Contests presented by Christian Seel
Sep 6 2011
Verein fuer Sozialpolitik, Jahrestagung 2011
Gambling in Contests presented by Christian Seel
July 19 2011
Stochastic and Real World Models Conference 2011 (Bielefeld)
Skorokhod Embeddings in Bounded Time presented by Stefan Ankirchner
July 12 2011
International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook University New York
Continuous Time Contests presented by Philipp Strack
June 2011
Philipps-University Marburg
Skorokhod Embeddings in Bounded Time presented by Stefan Ankirchner
April 27 2011
Yale University
Continuous Time Contests presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 24 2011
IMPACT-Workshop, Berlin University
Skorokhod Embeddings in Bounded Time presented by Stefan Ankirchner
Feb 15 2011
Yale University
Gambling in Contests presented by Philipp Strack
Feb 2 2011
Maastricht University
Gambling in Contests presented by Christian Seel
Jan 7 2011
AEA Meeting Denver
Strategic Experimentation with Private Payoffs presented by Paul Heidhues
Nov 2010
Brownbag Seminar, University of Cologne
Gambling in Dynamic Contests presented by Christian Seel
Oct 28 2010
Brownbag Seminar, University of Frankfurt
Continuous Time Contests presented by Christian Seel
Oct 20 2010
SFB Conference, University of Bonn
Strategic Experimentation with Private Payoffs presented by Sven Rady
Oct 10 2010
University of Jena
Skorokhod Embeddings in Bounded Time presented by Stefan Ankirchner
Sep 11 2010
Workshop on Stochastic Games, Erice
Gambling in Dynamic Contests presented by Christian Seel
Aug 17 2010
World Congress of the Econometric Society 2010, Shanghai
Gambling in Dynamic Contests presented by Philipp Strack
May 11 2010
Mathematics Department University of Bonn
Gambling in Dynamic Contests presented by Philipp Strack
Apr 21 2010
Economics Department University of Bonn (Microworkshop)
Continuous Time Contests presented by Christian Seel
Apr 1 2010
Yale University
Strategic Experimentation with Private Payoffs presented by Sven Rady
Mar 15 2010
University of California, Berkeley
Strategic Experimentation with Private Payoffs presented by Paul Heidhues
Mar 19 2010
Economics Department University of Barcelona (EDP Jamboree 2010)
Gambling in Dynamic Contests presented by Christian Seel
Dez 1 2009
Economics Department University of Bielefeld
Gambling in Dynamic Contests presented by Christian Seel
Jul 8 2009
Economics Department University of Bonn (Microworkshop)
Gambling in Dynamic Contests presented by Philipp Strack


Former Students (First Placement, Chronological):

CSEC Major and Office Hour

Computer Science and Economics Major

Office Hours

My office hours are Wednesdays from 1:15-2:15. Please let me know in advance via email if you plan to visit the office hour.


Oligopoly is a browser game about harvesting, refining, and shipping ressources in space :). Omer Tamuz and I made it during the pandemic.